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Annual Meeting Materials

APHA 2023 Annual Meeting and Expo
Governing Council Agenda
Nov. 11 and Nov. 14
Atlanta, GA

Link to LUMI voting platform (voting GCs will receive login credentials at registration)

LUMI voting instructions

Conflict of Interest Form

Proxy Form

Governing Council Attestation

Emergency Proxy List

APHA Code of Conduct

Public Heath Code of Ethics 

Governing Council Schedule at a Glance

Revised Proposed Policy Statements and JPC Fall Assessments

Master Slide Deck- Session I and Session II

Optional Governing Council Orientation

Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023

2-2:45 p.m. ET, Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center, M2 International Ballroom DEF

*Highly recommended for new Governing Councilors

Session 1

Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023

3-6 p.m. ET, Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center, M2 International Ballroom DEF

Registration ahead of the session is required. Registration for Session I is open 1-3 p.m. ET directly outside the ballroom

Convening of the Council, Chris Chanyasulkit, PhD- President


Call to Order
M. Aaron Guest, PhD, MPH, MSW- Speaker of the Council


Quorum Call
Georges C. Benjamin, MD- Secretary of the Council


Land Acknowledgement and Veteran’s Day Recognition
Georges C. Benjamin


Review of speaking and debate procedures and test vote
Aaron Guest


Approval of the Consent Agenda — ACTION
Aaron Guest


Strategic Plan Overview
David Reyes, DNP, MN/MPH, RN, PHNA-BC - Chair, Strategic Planning Committee of the Executive Board             


Financial Report
Benjamin Hernandez, MBA, Treasurer


State of the Association
Georges C. Benjamin- Executive Director


Development Presentation

Bryan O. Buckley, DrPH, MPH, Chair, Development Committee of the Executive Board


Report of Nominations Committee and presentation of the Candidates for President-Elect, Speaker, Executive Board, and Honorary Vice-President
Mary Armstrong, PhD- Chair, Nominations Committee

  • Each candidate will deliver a 1-minute speech to the Council


Presentation of Candidates for Nominations Committee
Aaron Guest

 12.0 Recess until Tuesday, November 14, 2023


Board and Committee Reports and Videos Received
1. Report of the President
2. Report of the Chair of the Executive Board
3. Report of the Intersectional Council
4. Report of the Council of Affiliates
5. Report of the Action Board
6. Report of the AJPH Editorial Board
7. Report of the Education Board
8. Report of the Nominations Committee
9. Report of the Committee on Bylaws
10. Report of the Publications Board
11. Report of the Science Board
12. Report of the Committee on Health Equity
13. Report of the Committee on Membership
14. Report of the Committee on Women’s Rights
15. Report of the Nation's Health Advisory Committee 
16. Executive Board Minutes
17. Governing Council June 2023 Mid-Year Meeting Evaluation

Optional Governing Council Roundtables  Introduction to the New Strategic Plan

Monday, Nov. 13, 2023

9-10:30 a.m. ET, Georgia World Congress Center, B-312

Optional Speaker Office Hours

Monday, Nov. 13, 2023

2:30-3:30 p.m. ET, Georgia World Congress Center, B-202


Session II

Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023

8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. ET, Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center, M2 International Ballroom DEF

Registration ahead of the session is required. Registration for Session II is open 7:30-8:30 a.m. ET directly outside the ballroom

Session II PowerPoint


Call to Order
Aaron Guest


Quorum Call
Georges C. Benjamin


Review of speaking/debate procedures and test vote
Aaron Guest


Leadership Appreciation
Bryan O. Buckley


Bylaws Proposals - ACTION
Pamela Aaltonen, PhD, RN- Chair, Committee on Bylaws 


Election of the Nominations Committee — ACTION

Aaron Guest


Election of the Executive Board Officers, Members and Honorary Vice-Presidents — ACTION
Aaron Guest


Report of Executive Board
Charlene Cariou, MHS, CPH, CHES- Chair, Executive Board

Written report


Report of the President
Chris Chanyasulkit

Written report

 10.0  15 MINUTE BREAK (Stretch break exercises recommended by the Physical Activity section)


Joint Policy Committee- Report, Archiving, Guidelines Changes and Proposed Policy Statements- ACTION

Shirley Orr, MHS, APRN, NEA-BC - Chair, Action Board and JPC Co-Chair
Kevin Sykes- PhD, MPH, Vice- Chair, Science Board and JPC Co-Chair

Report- Proposed Policy Statement Year in Review

Proposed Policy Statement Consent Agenda

Proposed Guidelines Changes


Discussion of the Role of Governing Councilor
Aaron Guest


Announcement of Nominations Committee Election Results
Aaron Guest


Announcement of Executive Board Officers, Members, and Honorary VPs Election Results
Aaron Guest

15.0 Business summary and announcements

Adjourn at approx. 1:30 p.m. ET

Emergency Session III starting at 1:30 p.m. ET until conclusion of business (if needed)