Early registration is now open for APHA 2024! Join us in Minneapolis ×


Top 5 benefits of joining our Section:

  1. Forming relationships with colleagues around the world
  2. Staying up-to-date on developments in food and nutrition policy, research and programs
  3. Shaping food and nutrition policy
  4. Identifying research collaborators
  5. Developing leadership skills and experiences

Be on the cutting edge of advocacy and policy in public health nutrition

  • Learn what changes are happening in federal food and nutrition policy.
  • Gain practical experience in advocacy.
  • Develop policy to help APHA champion food and nutrition issues.

Gain knowledge

  • Stay current on the latest public health nutrition research and news.
  • Learn innovative practices from peers working in program development and evaluation.
  • Connect with fellow Section members and peers on APHA Connect.
  • Reap the benefits of the cross-sector perspective of the Food and Environment Working Group.

Develop a national network to further your career

  • Take advantage of opportunities for mentorship and networking.
  • Gain access to relevant job opportunities and professional development resources.
  • Find collaborators for future projects.
  • Meet friendly faces at Section meetings, APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition sessions and awards receptions.

Be a leader in public health nutrition

  • Recommend topics and speakers for the APHA Annual Meeting.
  • Influence the Section’s award nomination process.
  • Develop your professional persona.
  • Create lasting influence in public health nutrition through policy change, education and mentorship.