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News and Events

Learn more about ways you can advance your food and nutrition education and career and become more engaged in our Section and APHA.

For regular updates on nutrition-related news, events or opportunities, connect with us on LinkedIn, and become involved with our Section (see member-only benefits, below). 

Section Fellowships and Awards

To help our members advance their academic and career interests, we offer fellowships to students and early-career professionals, as well as awards to professionals more settled in their careers. Information about application deadlines for 2020 will be posted as it becomes available. 


Each year, we offer fellowships to students and early-career professionals (within two years of graduation) to attend the APHA Annual Meeting and jumpstart their involvement in our Section. In addition to becoming engaged in the public health nutrition advocacy work and other activities, fellows receive an award of up to $450 to pay expenses related to Annual Meeting attendance. View eligibility criteria and additional information from 2019. Application deadline is in July/August of each year.


Section awards recognize outstanding achievements, celebrate innovation and commend excellent work in public health nutrition. We honor recipients during a reception at the APHA Annual Meeting each year. View our Awards page for criteria for each award and nomination guidelines. Application deadline is in July of each year. 

National Public Health Week

Each year, our Section participates in National Public Health Week (an initiative of APHA) and shares opportunities about the many, different ways to become involved. Keep the conversation going on Twitter (#NPHWChat)!

For Members Only: Section Newsletters and Email Digest

To keep our members engaged and informed, we offer a number of resources throughout the year, including access to our newsletters and email digests filled with news, events and opportunities for nutrition education and related careers. As a member of APHA, you also gain access to member-only webinars.