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Leadership/Contact Us

Chair — Rachel H. Albright, DPM, MPH

Chair-Elect — Vacant

Immediate Past Chair — David Lau, DPM, MPH, MBA

Treasurer — Matthew Diamond, DPM

Secretary — Carol Kurth, BS

Membership Chair — Neathie Patel, BS

Social Media Coordinator — Matthew Diamond, DPM & Dyane Tower, DPM, MPH

Web Editor — Matthew Diamond, DPM

Student Liaison — Carol Kurth, BS

National Meeting Program Chair — Adam E. Fleischer, DPM, MPH

Policy Chairs — Tom Brewer, PhD; Rachel H. Albright, DPM, MPH

Awards Chair — Emily Lobos, DPM

Section Councilors — Nell Blake, DPM; Matthew Diamond, DPM; Azzawi Ahmed, BS; Adam Lee Isaac, DPM; Ashita Sehgal, BS; Joseph Colasurdo, DPM

Governing Councilors — Janet Simon, DPM & Adam E. Fleischer, DPM, MPH  

If you have news, articles or events to share, please send us a message via FAH Facebook page. We will review and share them on our social media channels! 

For leadership contact information, log in to APHA LEAD using your member credentials.