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Leonard A. Levy, DPM, MPH generously donated $35,000 to the APHA Foot and Ankle Health Section to create this namesake award.

The Leonard A. Levy, DPM, MPH Foot and Ankle Health Section Award recognizes one outstanding podiatric student or resident with a dedication to and passion for public health.

The award, a $3,500 cash gift, will be presented to the recipient during the Section's business meeting at the APHA Annual Meeting each year for 10 years (2019–2028).


Applicants must be either a:

  • student, matriculated, full-time, and in good standing, enrolled in a CPME-accredited US podiatric medical college; or
  • resident, matriculated, full-time, and in good standing, enrolled in a CPME-approved podiatric residency program.

Additionally, applicants must:

  • be a member of the APHA FAH Section;
  • have demonstrated outstanding performance and involvement in the field of public health;
  • have outstanding references attesting to the public health interest and exemplary performance in one or more public health activity(ies) from at least one:
    • faculty member in a podiatric medical college or a health-care facility affiliated with it; or
    • public health professional supervising the student or resident at an organization engaged in public health practice
  • submit podiatric medical college transcript (student and resident applicants) and an assessment from the residency program in which he or she is enrolled (resident applicants only). 

Selection of Award Recipient

A committee of no fewer than three FAH Section leaders will evaluate complete applications. All applicants will be judged on the merit of the above criteria. The recipient of this award will be recognized during a business meeting held at the APHA Annual Meeting.

Note: If there is no qualified applicant in a given year, then no award shall be made that year and the award will extend an additional year. The APHA Foot and Ankle Health Section Leadership is responsible for administering this award. Contact the Foot and Ankle Health Section Chair with any questions.

If you are interested in applying, please submit your application to the Foot and Ankle Health Section chair by mid-August of the award year.