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Why should you join the Foot and Ankle Health Section?

  • Opportunity for mentorship and networking with podiatrists and other public health professionals who have a special interest in lower extremity health
  • Student opportunities include leadership development, scholarships, internships and fellowships
  • Stay up to date with the latest public health research and news
  • Webinars on various topics pertaining to public health and specific to podiatric public health
  • Early career professional webinars
  • Recognition through awards
  • Attend the Annual meeting and present during the Foot and Ankle Health Section program
  • Continuing education credits
  • Access to relevant job opportunities and professional development resources
  • Collaborate with other components and partners internal and external to APHA
  • Opportunity to influence APHA policies and priorities
  • National platform for Advocacy around the nation's lower extremity needs
  • Opportunity to engage in APHA governance