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APHA works with its key partners in global health: the Pan American Health Organization, Global Health Council, United Nations Council of Organizations and the World Federation of Public Health Associations.

Pan-American Health Organization
Following a century of collaboration, APHA was confirmed as an NGO in official relations with the Pan-American Health Organization in 2014. Each year, PAHO and APHA coordinate and co-host public health events, including National Public Health Week and World Health Day. PAHO also participates in APHA’s Annual Meeting & Expo. In addition, the organizations regularly work together on communications efforts through their respective journals and social media outlets, including the translation of peer-reviewed articles into Spanish that appear in both the Pan American Journal of Public Health and the American Journal of Public Health. Similarly, PAHO translates APHA’s Control of Communicable Disease Manual into Spanish and serves as a distributor of the publication. In 2013, PAHO, APHA and the Mexican Public Health Society came to a formal agreement to improve public health along the U.S.-Mexico Border.

World Federation of Public Health Associations
As a founding member since 1967, APHA continues to actively contribute to and participate as one of the key members of the World Federation of Public Health Associations. The WFPHA is recognized as an NGO in official relations status with the World Health Organization, which allows APHA access to the World Health Assembly, as well as other UN agencies including UNICEF and the Economic and Social Council of the UN. WFPHA and its Members influence international health policy through the development and implementation of Policy Resolutions and other advocacy initiatives. WFPHA events and publications inform on relevant activities and address key issues in international health. Similarly, the organization undertakes several projects to promote effective public health policies and practices throughout the world every day.

The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health
In 2014, APHA became a member of The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health. As a platform for knowledge, advocacy and accountability to improve women and children’s health, PMNCH enables partners to share strategies, align objectives and resources, and agree on interventions to improve the health of women and children. Learn more about PMNCH’s resources and upcoming events for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health.

Global Health Council
APHA is an organizational member of the Global Health Council, the leading membership organization supporting and connecting advocates, implementers and stakeholders around global health priorities worldwide. The Global Health Council advocates for improved global health through the development of advocacy briefs and global health roundtables and working groups. The organization also hosts a variety of global health resources, including upcoming events. Read the GHC blog to learn more about the organization’s latest updates.