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Public Health CareerMart Career Guidance Center

APHA 2023 Annual Meeting & Expo, Atlanta | Nov. 12-15, Creating the Healthiest Nation: Overcoming Social & Ethical Challenges

Recruit on-site during APHA's 2023 Annual Meeting and Expo!

Book interview booth space on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday to take advantage of the thousands of job seekers attending the conference. 

Booth reservations are FREE for APHA members. MEMBER PERK

Non-members can reserve booth space for a fee starting at $250.

Reservation Forms:

Submit your completed form to

Prepare for your on-site recruitment:

  1. Post a recruitment on Public Health CareerMart before November.
  2. Add a note like "recruitment on-site" to the recruitment.
  3. Reserve interview booth space by completing one of the reservation forms above.

See you in Atlanta! Please direct all inquiries to