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Online Continuing Education Program

Current CE Offerings from APHA and Partners

COVID-19 Conversations (1.5 CHES, CME, CNE or CPH credits for each upcoming webinar) Currently not available

Domestic Violence Interventions for Medical Professionals  (3.5 CHES, CME, CNE or CPH credits) Program ends August 31, 2022

Earn CE credits by reading the American Journal of Public Health

Earn CE credits by reading the book Racism: Science & Tools for the Public Health Professional

NCHEC online database of CE opportunities for CHES®/MCHES ®

CDC TCE online

CDC Train

Disaster Health Core Curriculum

National Healthy Start Racism AIM CCI - NHSA Racial Equity Learning Series (RELS) Modules 1-7  earn CME, CNE, CHES credits. On April of 2022, AIM-CCI launched the Racial Equity Learning Series (RELS), a free, American Public Health Association accredited (APHA) web-based learning series comprised of seven modules. Each module contains topic information, activities, and a short, scored quiz designed to build upon the previous modules. To access registration link directly  

APHA’s Center for Professional Development is pleased to offer continuing education credits through its Online Continuing Education Program. Now you can earn continuing education credits from the comfort of your home or office and at the time of your choice. Simply listen to the recorded sessions, pass the online quiz, complete the session evaluation and print your certificate.

Upcoming opportunities for CE credits include APHA Annual Meeting scientific sessions recordings, APHA webinars and Section- and APHA-developed workshops. Sessions will be added as they become available, so check back often.

As part of APHA's commitment to provide access for persons with disabilities, closed captioning and/or transcripts are provided for all webinars.

Types of Credits Offered

CHES® - Certified Health Education Specialist
CME - Continuing Medical Education
CNE - Continuing Nursing Education
VET - Continuing Veterinary/Technician Education
CPH - Certified in Public Health 
OP - Other Professional - (check with your licensing or certification board to see if they accept CME for Non-Physician credits)