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This spring break, please stay vigilant against COVID-19

Date: Mar 17 2021

Contact: Media Relations 

Statement from APHA Executive Director Georges C. Benjamin, MD

“Despite so much good news about the speed of vaccination efforts, it’s important to recognize that COVID-19 is still a very real threat. Fully vaccinated adults remain in the minority, and the number of those infected remains far too high to let our collective guard down. To be blunt, we are far from putting this virus behind us.

As such, please celebrate safely this spring break. Keep any gatherings small, outdoors or consider going virtual. CDC still recommends avoiding unnecessary travel and taking certain precautions if you do travel, such as getting tested before traveling and self-quarantining after travel.

There’s no doubt we’re in a much better place than we were just a few months ago, with the positive impact of science-based planning unfolding every day. But we’ve not reached the finish line, yet. For the health and protection of our communities, please continue to wash your hands, avoid large gatherings, wear a face mask and get vaccinated when it’s your turn.”  


The American Public Health Association champions the health of all people and all communities. We are the only organization that combines a nearly 150-year perspective, a broad-based member community and the ability to influence federal policy to improve the public’s health. Learn more at www.apha.org.