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APHA supports National Day of Racial Healing

Date: Jan 22 2019

Contact: Megan Lowry, 202-777-3913

Statement from Georges C. Benjamin, MD, executive director, American Public Health Association

Washington D.C., Jan. 22, 2019 – "The American Public Health Association stands today with the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the public health community and hundreds of leaders and organizations across the country in recognizing the third annual National Day of Racial Healing.

"Today, we recognize the important work being done to heal the deeply rooted racial divisions that still exist in our country. As health leaders, our priority should be to recognize our common humanity, achieve equity and celebrate the differences between us that make our country vibrant. We congratulate individuals and communities that have chosen respect and healing over division.

“We cannot have a healthy nation without justice and equality. Public health is committed to achieving health equity, and we call on others to support today’s National Day of Racial Healing and our goal of creating the healthiest nation."


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