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APHA supports work to drive action on climate change and health

Date: Sep 20 2019

Contact: Arnice Cottom, 202-777-3913

Statement from Georges C. Benjamin, MD, executive director, American Public Health Association

Washington, D.C., Aug. 15, 2019 – “APHA stands with health advocates — including youth activists, public health workers and other health supporters — who are elevating awareness of the health risks of climate change this week. Advocates are working to drive action on climate change in connection with the upcoming U.N. Climate Action Summit.

As global leaders come together for the summit Sept. 23, APHA is calling for policymakers to address climate change as a health equity issue. Increasing greenhouse gas emissions are already causing extreme heat, severe rainfall and rising sea levels. Without action, people in the U.S. and around the world will suffer from these and other effects, with poor and vulnerable populations harmed the most.

Let’s work together toward reducing emissions and increasing adaptation efforts in the name of a healthy climate for all. With the right policies and investments today, we have the opportunity to realize our vision of healthy people in healthy places on a healthy planet.”


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