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Media Advisory: Thousands of public health research abstracts, presentations to be released at APHA 2019

Date: Oct 01 2019

Arnice Cottom, 202-777-3913

What: Nearly 13,000 public health experts, researchers and policy leaders will gather for five days to present new research and host discussions on public health at the American Public Health Association 2019 Annual Meeting and Expo. APHA members will also vote on new public health policy statements.

Headlining speakers include:

  • Sandro Galea, Boston University School of Health
  • Robert R. Redfield, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • J. Nadine Gracia, Trust for America’s Health
  • Kara Odom Walker, Delaware Department of Health and Social Services
  • Makini Chisolm-Straker, HEAL Trafficking
  • Thomas A. LaVeist, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine

What: APHA’s 2019 Annual Meeting and Expo, “Creating the Healthiest Nation: For science. For action. For health.

When: Nov. 2-6

Where: Pennsylvania Convention Center, 1101 Arch St. Philadelphia

How: To request press credentials and free access to the meeting, or request access to a live webcast of key sessions, contact Arnice Cottom.

More about the APHA Annual Meeting:

Nearly 13,000 public health experts will convene at APHA’s 2019 Annual Meeting and Expo in Philadelphia, Nov. 2-6, to present new research and discuss latest trends in the field.

Reporters attending the meeting will have access to the top public health experts and the newest research. This is the largest annual public health meeting in the world, and every major voice in public health will be present. Press has the opportunity to explore new trends in the field and get the latest updates firsthand.

During the meeting, APHA members will vote to adopt new policy statements, which shape official positions on urgent public health issues. Thousands of new research abstracts will be presented at the meeting, on every public health topic, including equity, infectious disease, gun violence prevention, health policy, sexually transmitted diseases, women’s health and more.

Learn more about meeting highlights.


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