Sept. 16 is the deadline to save hundreds on registration to APHA24. Register now. ×

News and Events

Gearing up for APHA's 2023 Annual Meeting and Expo

The Student Assembly plays a critical role each year with the Annual Meeting in creating spaces for public health engagement and collaboration among fellow students. We hope to see you in Atlanta on Nov. 12-15

Registration is open! The student price is currently $350. More information, including more ways you can be involved with the 2023 Annual Meeting and Expo, can be found here. If you will be attending, reach out!

National Public Health Week 2023: Recap and Reflections

Thank you for celebrating APHA's National Public Health Week (NPHW)! This year's theme was "Centering and Celebrating Cultures in Health". Each day highlighted a new health theme and an opportunity to learn across traditional health boundaries. Keep the learning going by review this year's fact sheets, infographics, and shareables, or taking public health action with your local elected leaders. 

Check out the following links from NPHW to learn more about each day's topic:

Next year's NPHW will be held April 1-7, 2024. See you then!

Abstract Submissions Closed

Thank you for submitting your abstract applications for the APHA 2023 Annual Meeting and Expo. The ability to submit is now closed, however, there may be an opportunity to submit a late breaking abstract closer to the annual meeting time. 

2021-2022 Year in Review

Check out the 2021-2022 Year in Review to read the Student Assembly's amazing accomplishments over the last year.