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One Health

The One Health Section focuses on the linkages among humans, animals and the environment through the One Health concept. One Health promotes a framework for the holistic understanding of factors impacting our increasingly connected world. The One Health Section encourages team-oriented approaches to solve complex health problems based on the understanding that health across all sectors is interrelated. Our members come together to discuss ways to promote the optimal health of people, domestic animals, wildlife, plants and our environment. 

 scientist analyzing milk bottle    vet examining cat

Get Involved

If you have a specific interest or passion, we encourage you to become involved as a member of our Policy, Membership, or Communications Committee.

Short on time? There are several other ways to be involved in our Section:

  • Respond to an advocacy alert.
  • Post field-related information or opportunities on APHA LEAD.
  • Encourage a colleague to join APHA.

Please contact our Chair, Holly Richmond-Woods, to learn more about getting involved.

Share Your Story in the One Health Newsletter

The APHA One Health Newsletter, supported by the One Health section, is an online publication that is published quarterly (March, July, October) and reflects the activities of our Section members and general One Health community. Authors highlight trends and novel areas in One Health that can increase awareness of pressing global health issues. Submissions should include articles (less than 500 words) on One Health educational, practice, and research activities related to the One Health concept. To share your story, please send it to our Newsletter Editor, Helena Chapman (contact info on LEAD). View the past newsletters here: 2024 (Spring 2024), 2023 (Spring 2023), 2022 (Winter 2022), 2021 (Fall 2021, Summer 2021, Spring 2021), 2020 (Winter 2020, Fall 2020, Summer 2020, Spring 2020), 2019 (Winter 2019, Fall 2019, Spring 2019).

Featured Public Health Resources

CDC — One Health: Provides information, graphics and activities related to current zoonotic disease and food safety concerns.

WHO — Zoonoses and VPH: Global charity that provides funding to individuals and groups across a broad range of health-related initiatives, including vaccine development and tackling antimicrobial resistance.

Contact Us

Chair: Holly Richmond-Woods

Chair-Elect: Heather Martinez

Immediate Past Chair: Jessica Smith Schwind

Governing Councilors: Catherine Machalaba; Stephen Trynosky

Student Liaison: Sabrina Richards

Section Councilors: Heather Martinez; Will Sander; John Sanders; Andrea Perkins; Benjamin Ashraf; Lisa Gonzalez

Secretary: Katherine Feemster

Secretary Elect: Amanda Wilhoit

Treasurer: Ryan Walker

Treasurer Elect: Alyssa Burch

Program Chairs: Stephanie Masiello Schuette, Anna Makaretz

Membership and Outreach Chair: Cody Waldrop

Policy Chair: Will Sander

Communications Chair: Andrea Perkins

Awards Chair: Anna Makaretz

Mentorship Chair: Karen Gruszynski


For leadership contact information, log in to APHA LEAD using your member credentials.

Connect with us on social media and join our online community!

Facebook iconFind us on Facebook.

Twitter iconFollow us on Twitter @APHA_OneHealth.