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Women's Caucus

The Women’s Caucus (Est. 1970) is committed to providing a forum for uninhibited discussion of emerging, often not considered, and/or important issues affecting the lives and health of women. The Women’s Caucus is based on examining women’s lives through the contextualized experiences of women, considering the intersection of cultural, social, political, economic, cultural, spiritual, sexual, gender-based, and environmental forces.  The purpose of this organization shall be educational and scientific. These educational and scientific endeavors shall concern the specialty of the lives and health of women. 

Like the new Facebook page @APHAWomensCaucus.

Follow us on X @womenscaucus1 and Instagram @aphawomenscaucus.

Chair: Michelle S. Williams

Immediate Past Chair: Sarah Gareau

Membership Chair: Megan Smith

Policy Chairs: Toby Levin and Svetlana (Lana) Tauzhnyanskaya

Program Chairs: Nakesha Powell, Meghan Spiroff and Sarbinaz Bekmuratova

Social Media Chair: Amy Rooker

Governing Council: Michelle S. Williams

Caucus Collaborative Reps: Quinyatta Mumford

For leadership contact information, log in to APHA LEAD using your member credentials.