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Caucus on Public Health and the Faith Community

Who We Are

The Caucus on Public Health and the Faith Community seeks to promote and enhance collaborations between the faith community and the health community as an effective partnership for addressing physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social health challenges. The Caucus seeks to facilitate and provide opportunities for discussion and research to support the value of faith as a key to the delivery of effective community health services.

What We Do

  • Represent and provide advocacy opportunities for the public health interests of faith communities, both within and outside the APHA structure.
  • Facilitate active participation of faith community public health workers in the organizational and programmatic activities of APHA.
  • Facilitate faith-based health promotion research, promotes evidence-based programs and promising approaches to faith and community collaborative partnerships.
  • Provide professional growth for members of the Caucus.

Chair and Membership Chair: Barbara T. Baylor, MPH

Caucus Collaborative Representative: Barbara T. Baylor, MPH & Jacqueline Massie

Governing Council Representative: Vanessa Hill

Program Chair: Jacqueline Massie

For leadership contact information, log in to APHA LEAD using your member credentials.