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American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Caucus

The American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Caucus (Est. 1981) promotes equal opportunity and access for indigenous peoples of North America and the Hawaiian Islands to health care, provides a supportive entry into APHA and disseminates information about major native health issues and programs.

The Caucus also works with APHA to promote policy beneficial to Native health needs to assure quality care and equal access.

Chair/Caucus Collaborative Representative: Donna-Marie Palakiko

Chair-Elect: Nina Wampler

Immediate Past Chair: Ingrid Stevens

Governing Council Representative: Michael Bird

Program Co-Chairs: Madison Anderson

Media Co-Chair: Lauren Perrin

Membership Co-Chairs: Katie Cueva & Lisa Kaanoi

Treasurer: Patricia Cochran

For leadership contact information, log in to APHA LEAD using your member credentials.