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Committee on Bylaws

The Committee on Bylaws is charged with reviewing and modifying the  Bylaws as needed as the Association grows and evolves. The committee makes recommendations for changes, which are then reviewed and approved (or rejected) by the Governing Council. If the Governing Council approves the changes, then the changes are promulgated on the schedule stated in the Bylaws. Good knowledge of the structure and functioning of APHA is most helpful in service on this committee.

Amendment or change of the Bylaws at the Annual Meeting requires a two-thirds vote of those voting at the Governing Council, provided that 48 hours prior written notice thereof has been given. The Bylaws may further be amended by a two-thirds vote of those voting at any other meeting of the Governing Council called for the purpose, provided that notice thereof shall have been given at least 20 days prior to such meeting.

APHA Bylaws (PDF)

Process for Proposing Bylaws Amendments (PDF)

2025 Chair: Pamela Aaltonen, PhD, RN - Term Expires 2027

Committee Members 

Teresa Garrett, DNP, RN, PHNA-BC- Term Expires 2027

Resa Jones, PhD, MPH - Term Expires 2025

Edward Murphy, MBA, MPH - Term Expires 2026

Rachael Reed, DrPH, MPH - Term Expires 2025

Katie Sutkowi, MSW - Term Expires 2026

Ex officio: Aaron Guest, PhD, MSW, MPH - Term Expires 2026

Ex officio: Greg Ulrich, JD - Term Expires 2025

Staff Liaison: Courtney Taylor, 202-777-2496