Staff Liaison: Frances Atkinson
Chair: Padmini Murthy
Complete definition of committee/board
The Intersectional Council Steering Committee (ISC-SC) has fourteen members and conducts ISC activities between the Annual Meetings. The 14 members consist of 10 members elected by the Intersectional Council, plus the ISC-SC immediate past chair. In addition, one Steering Committee position is appointed for a three-year term by the Executive Board as part of the leadership appointment process. There is also a student representative who holds the position of the Student Assembly Chair-Elect, an Affiliate representative who is the Council of Affiliates Chair-Elect, and a Caucus representative who is the Caucus Collaborative Chair.
This group meets face-to-face twice a year and meets monthly via Zoom. Only ISC members are eligible to run for a three-year term on the Steering Committee. These include Section Chairs, Chairs-Elect and Immediate Past Chairs. Three new ISC-SC members are elected annually.
The Steering Committee assists Sections with internal management and communication. The ISC-SC also reviews and comments on applications for SPIGs and Forums and submits comments to the Executive Board.
Role and Responsibility of Committee Members:
- Work within the framework of the APHA Strategic Plan by identifying specific goals and objectives which best fit the purpose of the ISC.
- Function as a proactive body on issues of concern to the Sections.
- Communicate Association matters to the Sections and fosters responsible interchange among Section leadership as well as between Section leadership and other Association entities.
ISC Steering Committee Roster (APHA Member login required)
APHA Policy on Executive Session (PDF)
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