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Injury and Violence Prevention

baby in car seat anti bullying sign and dad holding kids hands in crosswalk

APHA works with partners such as the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control to bring national attention to the burden of injury and violence and employs a public health approach for its prevention and control. We recognize policy strategies are key in addressing injury and violence prevention at a population-based level as well.

These activities are a part of the Center for Public Health Practice and Professional Development's work, which brings together several programs to educate, inform and communicate with the public health workforce.

What's New

Cannabis Surveillance Learning Collaborative

APHA partnered with NCIPC to convene experts and stakeholders to explore current issues and needs in state-level cannabis surveillance efforts. This report (PDF) highlights findings from the meeting and key considerations as more states begin to legalize non-medical adult cannabis use.


Gun Violence Prevention through the Public Health Lens: History, Intersectionality and Interventions

Addressing the 'C' in ACEs: Combatting the Nation's Silent Crisis

A Tale of Two Pandemics: How COVID-19 and Racism Intersect with Intimate Partner Violence

US hospitals stepping up to end violence among youth

Shareable scooters offer risks, benefits for transportation

System that collects data on US violet deaths to cover all 50 states

Special section in The Nation's Health shares strategies for preventing sexual assaults 

APHA's Georges Benjamin says the 2018 Roadmap of State Highway Safety Laws report "is a compilation of lifesaving and cost-saving strategies for every state to use right now."

Special section in The Nation's Health highlights CDC resources to help prevent injuries and violence at the community level

What happens if we stop treating violence as a problem of crime and morality — and start treating it as a public health problem

"Better Collection of Injury Data Can Protect Worker Health" — APHA members speak out in Occupational Health & Safety

"Repeated Concussions: Time to Spur Action Among Vulnerable Veterans" — AJPH study

APHA testifies in support of the Occupational Health & Safety Administration's final rule to improve tracking of workplaces injuries and illnesses

"Personal Safety in Safe Routes to School: Addressing Violence and Crime in Your Community" — Report (PDF) and Fact Sheet (PDF)

More About Injury and Violence Prevention

Campus Sexual Assault Graphic (PDF)

Injury and Violence Policy Evaluation Case Studies (PDF)

Injury and Violence Prevention Core Competencies (PDF)

Injury and Violence Prevention: Policy Lessons from the Field (PDF)

Prescription Drug Overdose

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