Housing has a major impact on health.
To help reconnect the housing and public health fields, the National Center for Healthy Housing and APHA released the new National Healthy Housing Standard. This health-focused property maintenance policy targets the nation’s 100 million existing homes.
35 million homes have at least one health or safety hazard*
New homes are typically safer and healthier. They’ve been built to modern building standards. But regulations and industry practices for existing housing have not kept pace with what we know about how routine maintenance can prevent housing-related disease and injury.
Consequences of not dealing with substandard housing:
About 20-30 percent of asthma cases are linked to home environmental conditions.
Radon in homes causes 21,000 lung cancer deaths annually.
Over 24 million homes that have lead-based paint hazards put children at risk of the irreversible disease of childhood lead poisoning.
Home injuries are the leading cause of death for young children. Such injuries put 6 million older adults in hospitals and nursing homes due to preventable falls.
A blueprint for healthy homes
The standard is a tool for property owners, advocates, elected officials, code agency staff, public health leaders and all who recognize the impact housing has on community health. We hope the standard will inspire action and collaboration.
Download the National Healthy Housing Standard (PDF)
For more information on the National Center for Healthy Homes, visit www.nchh.org
* 2013 NCHH State of Healthy Housing Report