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Live tobacco free infographic text


[image of dart hitting a bulls-eye] Big tobacco: targets you with African American Images and hip hop culture.

[images of a pack of menthol cigarettes] Menthol product: marketed to African Americans are harder to quit.

[image of skull and crossbones] Smoking kills: 45,000 African Americans each year.

The benefits of quitting start right away.

[image of stopwatch]

  • 12 minutes: carbon monoxide levels in your blood drop to normal.
  • 20 minutes: heart rate and blood pressure drop.
  • Two to three months: circulation and lung function improve.
  • One year: heart disease risk lowers.
  • Five years: risk for cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus and bladder are cut in half.


[image of grim reaper] SECONDHAND SMOKE kills 53,000 nonsmokers each year.

[image of cigarette crossed out] 1,300+ CAMPUSES ban smoking and/or tobacco.

[image of bullhorn] TELL YOUR SCHOOL'S leaders you want a tobacco-free campus.

Learn how: nosmoke.org

Three logos: American Public Health Association, NAACP, Get Hype