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APHA TV 2022

Watch highlights from APHA 2022

APHA TV Daily Highlights -Wednesday


Sandro Galea on health data

Natasha DeJarnett on climate change and health

Lisa Lee and Howard Koh on public health ethics

Sara Bleich on food and nutrition security

APHA TV Daily Highlights - Tuesday

Sara Rosenbaum on the Supreme Court and public health

Loretta Ross on reproductive rights and justice

Larry Gostin on law as it relates to public health legal authorities

Paul Reed on Healthy People 2030

Question of the Day: How can APHA help us overcome social and ethical challenges?

APHA TV Daily Highlights -Monday

Angie McGowan on the Alliance for Disease Prevention and Response

Walk and Talk with Chris Chanyasulkit on public health history

Dr. Gary Gibbons and Dr. Eliseo Pérez-Stable on CEAL Covid-19 disparities program

APHA TV Daily Highlights -Sunday

Brian Castrucci on public health workforce

Dr. Georges Benjamin Welcome Video

Kaye Bender reflects on her presidency

Dr. Ted Brown on APHA's past and future

Question of the Day: What are APHA's biggest accomplishments?

Webs Edge

APHA 2022 Sponsored Thought Leadership Videos


Videos from Past Annual Meetings

Video highlights:

APHA 2021 | APHA 2020 | APHA 2019 | APHA 2018 | APHA 2017 | APHA 2016
APHA 2015 | APHA 2014 

Sponsored Thought Leadership Videos:

APHA 2021 | APHA 2020 | APHA 2019 | APHA 2018 | APHA 2017 | APHA 2016
APHA 2015 | APHA 2014