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AWARE for All — Northwest

Webinar //


May 20 2021, 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM MST


Designed to help Northwest residents learn more about what clinical research is, what participation typically looks like, and potential regional trial opportunities, this webinar led by medical professionals will feature stories from real patients and a virtual exhibit center with information from health/wellness organizations across the Northwest. The event will also focus on engaging diverse communities to ensure representative and inclusive clinical research for the future.

The webinar, hosted by the Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research Participation, will cover the Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Northern California areas with a specific focus on these therapeutic areas and medical conditions:

  • Neurology/Multiple Sclerosis
  • Infectious Disease/COVID-19
  • Oncology/Cancer


Questions? Contact or call 877-633-4376.