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Faith and Family Planning

Webinar //


May 11 2017, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM EST


About 225 million women have unmet family planning needs. Out of 213 million pregnancies, 40 percent are unintended. And about half of these unintended pregnancies end in unsafe abortions, which cause maternal deaths and injuries.

Faith-based organizations can help close the gap in family planning needs and contribute to improved health outcomes, especially among women and girls.

Some of the benefits of family planning include:

  • the protection of women's and children's health.
  • decreased number of unsafe abortions.
  • overall improvement in women's educational and economic opportunities.

This webinar will focus on the family planning programs and policies of Catholic, Protestant and Muslim organizations working in Rwanda, Kenya, Zambia and Cameroon.


  1. Working with Catholics on natural family planning — Marie Mukabatsinda, Institute for Reproductive Health, Georgetown University
  2. Training religious leaders to work with community health workers to increase demand for family planning — Jane Kishoyian, Christian Health Association of Kenya
  3. Working with religious leaders to influence policy — Yoram Siame, Churches Health Association of Zambia
  4. Perspectives on "Quality Families" and reaching Muslim leaders — Mustafa Asman Ismail, Kenya Muslim Youth Development Organization
  5. Family planning integration project in Cameroon — Lily Haritu, Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services

Moderator: Dr. Douglas Huber, Co-Chair of Christian Connections for International Health's Family Planning/Reproductive Health Working Group

Webinar presented in partnership with Christian Connections for International Health and The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health

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