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2022 National Breastfeeding Conference & Convening

Conference //



Jun 07 2022 - Jun 09 2022


Conference theme: "Pathfinders: Honoring Lactation Wisdom and Nurturing Innovation"

Hosted by the U.S. Breastfeeding Committee, the National Breastfeeding Conference & Convening brings together a diverse set of clinical, community, advocacy, and research professionals who recognize the public health importance of breastfeeding as critical for reducing the burden of infant morbidity and mortality; childhood and adolescent overweight; adult obesity and chronic disease; and maternal type 2 diabetes and reproductive cancers.

The convening will take place virtually over three days and is designed to develop and strengthen the leadership capacity of the public health workforce, including representatives from direct service organizations, breastfeeding coalitions, hospitals, health care facilities, health departments, research institutions,and federal agencies to effectively protect, promote and support breastfeeding at the national, state/territorial, tribal, local and community levels.


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