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Executive Board

APHA's Executive Board is a 24-member body that serves on behalf of the Governing Council and meets regularly throughout the year to discuss Association business. The constitutional functions defined for the Executive Board may be outlined in five areas.

Policy: The Executive Board carries out established Association policies and adopts interim public policy between meetings of the Governing Council. The Executive Board transmits an annual report of its proceedings and transactions to the Governing Council.

Management: The Executive Board elects the executive director and defines terms of employment. It assures proper direction for the administrative work of the Association. In fiscal affairs, the Executive Board acts as trustee of all Association resources, plans the procurement of funds, authorizes establishment of accounts, approves disbursement arrangements, grants signatory powers, determines amount of bond and selects Association auditor. The Executive Board also approves and establishes annual budgets for Association work

Program: The Executive Board reviews and coordinates the recommendations of Association boards and committees. It defines and approves various policies and procedures relating to Affiliates and Sections. It acts on all technical standards, is the official accrediting body for the Association publications and designates the time and place of APHA Annual Meetings.

Membership: The APHA Bylaws give the Executive Board authority and responsibility for specific membership functions relating to election, finances, and termination. These vary by type of membership, but generally the Executive Board prescribes election procedures and establishes dues subject to Government Council approval.

Deployment: Except for a few specified exceptions, the Executive Board approves the appointments of the membership to all Association boards and committees. With respect to committees, it is empowered to authorize and establish, define responsibility and period of activity, determine size and terms of office, and appoint members and designate chairs. The Executive Board is charged to monitor diversity of all committees. It also appoints the parliamentarian and fills interim Executive Board vacancies.

Period of Service 

Members of the Executive Board serve on staggered four-year terms among the voting members of the Board selected by the Governing Council. After completion of a full term, these elected members are temporarily ineligible for re-election. Election of the Executive Board terminates other Association appointments. APHA has reviewed, evaluated and updated its strategic plan for 2014-2016. The Strategic Planning Committee of the Executive Board would like to thank the Governing Councilors for their input into this process.

Executive Board 2024 Meeting Schedule

  • Jan. 7-8: Virtual
  • March 11: Virtual, 2-4 p.m. ET
  • May 5-7: Washington, D.C.
  • June 10: Virtual, 2-4:30 p.m. ET (Governing Council Mid-Year Meeting)
  • July 15: Virtual, 2-4 p.m. ET
  • Sept. 16: Virtual, 2-4 p.m. ET
  • Oct. 24-25: Minneapolis
  • Oct. 30: Minneapolis, 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. CT

View the Strategic Map.

Executive Board Minutes

Executive Board Policies and Actions

Staff Contact: Marlene Sue-Ling, Executive Assistant to the Executive Director and Executive Board Staff Liaison