Information Sharing
- Highlight and foster dialogue on key issues, generating awareness of each other’s work
- Serve as a vehicle for listening to and amplifying, the perspectives of those on the front lines of advancing health equity
Collaborative Strategy and Action
- Identify and build collaboration around short- and long-term opportunities to advance health equity and strengthen systems of support for the public’s health
- Enable access to resources that supports action aligned with our vision and mission
- Establish clear goals and strategies and report on progress
- Support the Alliance’s Leadership Committee and Working Groups to guide efforts
Guiding Strategies
We seek to promote, leverage and advance key strategies of our members and will continue to learn and apply principles from other frameworks*, in the public health field. Key strategies being advanced by Alliance members include:
- Advocacy - Collaborative advocacy for public health and sustainable environments to advance high-impact policy agendas at the national, state and community level.
- Data and Surveillance – Development of a comprehensive national public health data infrastructure, and laboratory system; expansion of scientific data-informed surveillance of threats, health determinants and conditions; standardized, more inclusive data collection and practices and assessment and adequate diagnostic testing.
- Public Communication and Education – Enable all communities to benefit from tailored, relevant, timely and science-based information via trusted voices. Emphasize partnership with, and support of, residents who are often overlooked.
- Workforce – Realize a well-trained, effective, diverse, representative, and appropriately resourced public health workforce.
- Leadership and Management – Create a common understanding of the value, roles and needs of a comprehensive public health system. Enhance public trust in these leaders and in the public health system more broadly. Access to Health Services – Guarantee that everyone has access to regular, quality, affordable and culturally-competent health services – including for healthcare, mental health and wellbeing.
- Policy and Law – Advance policies that promote health, wellbeing, and equity and maintain legal capacity needed to support a strong, equitable system of support for public health.
- Assessment, Evaluation and Research – Ensure that health outcomes and the impact of interventions on health and disparities are measured and evaluated regularly, and that research is conducted using strong methods, is properly funded and is disseminated widely.
- Funding – Advocate for public health and communities to receive increased, sustained, and regular funding and resources to protect and promote the health and wellbeing of the nation.
*Ten Essential Public Health Services; the Culture of Health Action Framework from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; Public Health Forward (BPC, ASTHO and partners); Public Health 3.0; and more.