Early registration is now open for APHA 2024! Join us in Minneapolis ×


Adolescent and Young Adult Health: Dennis Li and Iliana White

Breastfeeding: Briana Jegier and Heather Sipsma

Child Care: Abbey Alkon and Jennifer Marshall

Children with Special Health Care Needs: Cynthia Cassell, Jennifer Marshall, and Anne Odusanya

Epidemiology and Data: Sascha Ellington

Genetics and Bioethics: Natasha Bonhomme and Andrea Goodman

Health Services Research: Rada Dagher and Rui Lee

Improving Pregnancy Outcomes: Tyan Parker Dominguez, Judith Katzburg, and Bo Young Park

Infant and Child Health: Ruth Perou

Innovations in Maternity Care: Barbara Levin and Carol Nelson

International Maternal and Child Health: Kathryn Mishkin

Multi-Level Determinants of MCH across the Life Course: Jodie Ford, Colleen McGovern, and Lisa Militello

Paternal Involvement in Pregnancy Outcomes: Amina Alio and Jermane Bond

Perinatal and Women’s Health: Ndidi Amutah and Cheryl Vamos 

Policy and Finance: TBD

Student Session: Cynthia Cassell

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Infant Mortality: Lena Camperlengo

Violence Prevention Committee: Lianne Estefan

Work Groups:

Gun Violence Prevention: Judith Katzburg, Jennifer Bronson, Stephanie Bonne, Susan Robbins, Woodie Kessel, Sonya Lewis, and Leslie Carson.

For leadership contact information, log in to APHA LEAD using your member credentials.