The Academic and Practice Linkages in Public Health Caucus (formerly the Academic Public Health Caucus, Est. 1994) grew out of the special interests of individuals employed in schools and programs of public health, teaching public health or concerned with core competencies and curriculum development for public health preparation, and has evolved to include a focus on the essential relationships between academic public health and public health practitioners. The caucus provides a valuable venue for public health academicians and public health practice partners, including representatives of federal, tribal, state, territorial and local governmental public health agencies, to share innovations, promote quality programs and services, and share research that helps to strengthen the evidence base on issues related to public health practice and education. The Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health sponsors the Academic and Practice Linkages in Public Health Caucus in partnership with the Public Health Accreditation Board and the Public Health Foundation.
Chair: Paul Halverson
Immediate Past Chair: Donna Petersen
Program Chair and Caucus Collaborative Representative: Kaitlin Tager
Governing Council Representative: Marian Levy
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