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JUN 17 2024




MAR 13 2024




Using Evidence and Data to Illuminate Our Food Systems


Jan 22 2024, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST

Hosted by the Harvard Radcliffe Institute

Policy Statement

Meeting the Health and Psychosocial Needs and Ensuring the Human Rights of Refugees From Nagorno-Karabakh
  • Date:NOV 14 2023
  • Policy Statement Number:LB23-02

Keywords: Armenians, Conflict, Human Rights, Nagorno-Karabakh, Refugees




DEC 06 2023


Policy Statement

A Strategy to Address Systemic Racism and Violence as Public Health Priorities: Training and Supporting Community Health Workers to Advance Equity and Violence Prevention
  • Date:NOV 08 2022
  • Policy Statement Number:20227

Keywords: Community Health, Racism, Violence Prevention, Health Equity

Policy Statement

Support Decent Work for All as a Public Health Goal in the United States
  • Date:NOV 08 2022
  • Policy Statement Number:20223

Keywords: Occupational Health And Safety, Labor Issues, Compensation

Policy Statement

Intellectual Property Protections and Profits Limit Global Vaccine Access
  • Date:NOV 08 2022
  • Policy Statement Number:20221

Keywords: Vaccines, Trade, Global Health, Intellectual Property, Public Health Law

Policy Statement

Public Health Actions That Support Implementation of the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
  • Date:NOV 08 2022
  • Policy Statement Number:LB22-01

Keywords: Mental Health, Suicide, Violence Prevention

Policy Statement

Gas Stove Emissions Are a Public Health Concern: Exposure to Indoor Nitrogen Dioxide Increases Risk of Illness in Children, Older Adults, and People with Underlying Health Conditions
  • Date:NOV 08 2022
  • Policy Statement Number:20225

Keywords: Gas Stoves, Respiratory Disease, Air Quality, Asthma, Environment, Environmental Health

Policy Statement

Advancing Environmental Health and Justice: A Call for Assessment and Oversight of Health Care Waste
  • Date:NOV 08 2022
  • Policy Statement Number:20224

Keywords: Health Care Waste

Policy Statement

Preserving Public Health Capacity by Protecting the Workforce and Authority
  • Date:NOV 08 2022
  • Policy Statement Number:20228

Keywords: Public Health Authority, Public Health Law, Public Health Workforce

Policy Statement

A Call to Expand International Debt Relief for All Developing Countries to Increase Access to Public Resources for Health Care
  • Date:NOV 08 2022
  • Policy Statement Number:20222

Keywords: Debt Relief, International Debt, Public Health Funding

Policy Statement

Ensuring Equity in Transportation and Land Use Decisions to Promote Health and Well-Being in Metropolitan Areas
  • Date:OCT 26 2021
  • Policy Statement Number:202116

Keywords: Transportation, Urban Health, Health Equity, Health Disparities, Racism

Policy Statement

Advancing Public Health Interventions to Address the Harms of the Carceral System
  • Date:OCT 26 2021
  • Policy Statement Number:202117

Keywords: Jails Prisons, Civil Rights, Human Rights

Policy Statement

Call for Urgent Actions to Address Health Inequities in the U.S. Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic and Response
  • Date:OCT 26 2021
  • Policy Statement Number:20218

Keywords: coronavirus, Health Equity, Public Health Infrastructure