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AJPH News Releases

AJPHThe American Journal of Public Health  is the monthly journal of APHA. Celebrating more than 100 years, the Journal is dedicated to publishing original work in research, research methods and program evaluation in the field of public health. Our prestigious journal also regularly publishes editorials and commentaries and serves as a forum for the analysis of health policy.

The mission of the Journal is to advance public health research, policy, practice and education. All published papers have undergone rigorous peer review with only one of five submitted papers accepted for publication. Each month, the most influential public health professionals around the world turn to AJPH for the most current, authoritative, in-depth information in the field.

Displaying 68 results.

AJPH news release

February 2020 Highlights


FEB 20 2020

New AJPH research on education levels and early death, paid sick leave, US syringe programs, and more

AJPH news release

AJPH editorial: US readiness for COVID-19, other outbreaks hinges on investments to public health system


FEB 13 2020

To protect the nation from diseases like COVID-19, the U.S. must invest in public health readiness

AJPH news release

Mass Incarceration Supplement 2020


JAN 23 2020

Research highlights from the AJPH supplemental issue on mass incarceration

AJPH news release

January 2020 Highlights


JAN 16 2020

New AJPH research on decriminalizing marijuana, poor health among families of the incarcerated, hospital records and U.S. homeless population, and more

AJPH news release

December 2019 Highlights


DEC 19 2019

New AJPH research on opioid use disorder, hurricane damage in Puerto Rico, infant mortality and more

AJPH news release

November 2019 Highlights


NOV 14 2019

Read new AJPH research

AJPH news release

October 2019 Highlights


OCT 17 2019

Read new AJPH research on reducing mass shootings, rural teens and unintended pregnancies, stress caused by U.S. immigration policies, and more.

AJPH news release

September 2019 Highlights


SEP 19 2019

Read new AJPH research on the effects of shift work on mental health, varying pre-term birth rates in China, and more

AJPH news release

AJPH publishes supplement on community preparedness


SEP 10 2019

The supplement introduces the concept of the "virtual village" to address emergency preparedness in the information age

AJPH news release

August 2019 Highlights


AUG 15 2019

Read new AJPH research on the effects of work requirements on SNAP benefits, Medicaid expansion on HIV testing rates and more

AJPH news release

American Journal of Public Health increases its impact, rises in rank among peer journals


JUL 25 2019

New data from Journal Citation Reports show that the American Journal of Public Health rose among the ranks of peer journals in 2018.

AJPH news release

July 2019 Highlights


JUL 18 2019

Read new AJPH research on PrEP access deserts, opioid misuse, food security and Medicaid expansion, e-cigarette use demographics and more.

AJPH news release

AJPH publishes mental health supplement


JUN 26 2019

“Improving Population Mental Health in the 21st Century”

AJPH news release

AJPH June 2019 Highlights


JUN 20 2019

AJPH publishes research on marijuana use increases, nutrition labeling, barbershop HIV intervention and more.

AJPH news release

AJPH May 2019 Highlights


MAY 16 2019

AJPH publishes new research on tobacco industry-funded research, heroin overdose decline, global health aid and U.S. image, ACA disability disparities.

AJPH news release

AJPH April 2019 Highlights


APR 18 2019

AJPH research examines lead in NYC public housing, Hurricane Maria deaths, Ohio refugee lead levels and more

AJPH news release

AJPH March 2019 Highlights


MAR 21 2019

Research on texting-while-driving bans, yoga use, dairy milk in school breakfasts and greenhouse gas emissions, pregnancy outcomes in prison, and more

AJPH news release

AJPH publishes supplement on health promotion research


FEB 21 2019

“Accelerating the Evolution of Health Promotion Research”

AJPH news release

AJPH February 2019 Highlights


FEB 21 2019

AJPH publishes research on transfat regulations, ACA and uninsurance among women, emergency behavioral services in Chicago, Caribbean health and more

AJPH news release

AJPH publishes supplement on minority health and health disparities research


JAN 30 2019

Published in collaboration with NIMHD