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Policy Statement Database

Policy Statements beginning in 1948 to the present are available in our Policy Statement Database. You can search the database by year, policy number or keyword.

Policy Statement Database


Displaying 106 results.

Policy Statement

Gas Stove Emissions Are a Public Health Concern: Exposure to Indoor Nitrogen Dioxide Increases Risk of Illness in Children, Older Adults, and People with Underlying Health Conditions
  • Date:NOV 08 2022
  • Policy Statement Number:20225

Keywords: Gas Stoves, Respiratory Disease, Air Quality, Asthma, Environment, Environmental Health

Policy Statement

Call for Urgent Actions to Address Health Inequities in the U.S. Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic and Response
  • Date:OCT 26 2021
  • Policy Statement Number:20218

Keywords: coronavirus, Health Equity, Public Health Infrastructure

Policy Statement

A Call to Improve Patient and Public Health Outcomes of Diabetes through an Enhanced Integrated Care Approach
  • Date:OCT 26 2021
  • Policy Statement Number:20215

Keywords: Diabetes, Prevention, Vision Care, Dental Health

Policy Statement

Increasing Access and Reducing Barriers to Children's Vision Care Services
  • Date:OCT 24 2020
  • Policy Statement Number:20202

Keywords: Access, Childrens Health, Childrens Vision Care, Vision Care

Policy Statement

Regulation, Implementation, and Enforcement of Policies Regarding E-Cigarette Use Across the Life Span
  • Date:OCT 24 2020
  • Policy Statement Number:20205

Keywords: Tobacco, Cigarettes, Addiction, Adolescent Health

Policy Statement

A Public Health Approach to Regulating Commercially Legalized Cannabis
  • Date:OCT 24 2020
  • Policy Statement Number:20206

Keywords: Drugs, Illicit Drugs, Marijuana

Policy Statement

Coordinated Nationwide Approaches to Promote Eye Health and Reduce Vision Impairment
  • Date:NOV 05 2019
  • Policy Statement Number:20191

Keywords: Vision Care, Eye Care, Eye Care Disorders

Policy Statement

Addressing Alcohol-Related Harms: A Population Level Response
  • Date:NOV 05 2019
  • Policy Statement Number:201912

Keywords: Alcohol, Addiction

Policy Statement

Supporting Regulation of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems
  • Date:NOV 13 2018
  • Policy Statement Number:20186

Keywords: Tobacco, Addiction, Chronic Disease, Adolescent Health, Child Health And Development

Policy Statement

Addressing Law Enforcement Violence as a Public Health Issue
  • Date:NOV 13 2018
  • Policy Statement Number:201811

Keywords: Violence, Racism, Prevention, Social Determinants of Health

Policy Statement

Achieving Health Equity in the United States
  • Date:NOV 13 2018
  • Policy Statement Number:20189

Keywords: Health Equity, Health Disparities, Social Determinants of Health

Policy Statement

Protecting Children's Environmental Health: A Comprehensive Framework
  • Date:NOV 07 2017
  • Policy Statement Number:201710

Keywords: Childrens Health, Child Health And Development, Environmental Health

Policy Statement

Law Enforcement Violence as a Public Health Issue
  • Date:NOV 01 2016
  • Policy Statement Number:LB-16-02

Keywords: Violence, Gun Violence, Minorities, Injury Prevention Control, Racism

Archived APHA policy statement

Policy Statement

Opportunities for Health Collaboration: Leveraging Community Development Investments to Improve Health in Low-Income Neighborhoods
  • Date:NOV 01 2016
  • Policy Statement Number:20166

Keywords: Access To Health Care, Health Disparities, Poverty, Health Services

Policy Statement

Compulsory Pasteurization of All Non-Human-Derived Animal Milk Products Intended for Human Consumption
  • Date:NOV 01 2016
  • Policy Statement Number:20164

Keywords: Nutrition, Food, Food Safety, Child Health And Development

Policy Statement

Opportunities for Health Collaboration: Leveraging Community Development Investments to Improve Health in Low-Income Neighborhoods
  • Date:NOV 03 2015
  • Policy Statement Number:LB-15-01

Keywords: Access To Health Care, Health Disparities, Health Services, Poverty

archived APHA policy statement

Policy Statement

The Role of Health Education Specialists in a Post-Health Reform Environment
  • Date:NOV 03 2015
  • Policy Statement Number:201515

Keywords: Affordable Care Act, Health Reform, Health Care, Public Health Workforce

APHA policy statement on expanding awareness about health education specialists

Policy Statement

Addressing Human Relevance in Research Related to Alcohol Use Disorders
  • Date:NOV 03 2015
  • Policy Statement Number:201510

Keywords: Alcohol, Research

Focusing on human biology and behavior will more effectively address alcohol use disorders

Policy Statement

Impact of Preemptive Laws on Public Health
  • Date:NOV 03 2015
  • Policy Statement Number:201511

Keywords: Public Health Law

Policy Statement

Ensuring That Trade Agreements Promote Public Health
  • Date:NOV 03 2015
  • Policy Statement Number:201512

Keywords: Global Health, International Health, Health Services, Public Health Law

APHA policy statement on trade agreements

Policy Statement

Supporting the Goal of a Tobacco Free Military
  • Date:NOV 18 2014
  • Policy Statement Number:201412

Keywords: Military, Tobacco, Armed Forces, Cigarettes, Smoking

Policy Statement

Regulating Commercially Legalized Marijuana as a Public Health Priority
  • Date:NOV 18 2014
  • Policy Statement Number:201410

Keywords: Illicit Drugs, Marijuana

Policy Statement

Sexuality Education as Part of a Comprehensive Health Education Program in K to 12 Schools
  • Date:NOV 18 2014
  • Policy Statement Number:20143

Keywords: Reproductive And Sexual Health, Adolescent Health, Health Education

policy statement on sexuality education in schools

Policy Statement

Supporting regulation of electronic cigarettes
  • Date:NOV 18 2014
  • Policy Statement Number:20149

Keywords: Tobacco, Tobacco Advertising, Adolescent Health

APHA Policy Statement on regulating e-cigarettes