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Section Committees

In our "sophomore year" Ethics Section business meeting in Chicago in 2015, we outlined priority projects to serve both our Section membership as well as all of APHA. Contact the chair listed below if you are interested in the group or want to know what the group has accomplished in this area.

Program Committee

Chair: Bruce Tizes

The Program Committee develops the Call for Abstracts and plans the section's activities at the annual meeting.

Policy Committee

Chair: Margo Bergman

The Policy Committee works to develop Ethics Section APHA policy proposals. We also collaborate with other APHA components to comment on and support their policy work.

Membership Committee

Chair: Patrick Masseo

The Membership Committee works to sustain current membership and welcome new members. If you are interested in joining or growing the Ethics Section, contact Patrick, who has his fingers on the pulse of the Ethics Section membership!

For leadership contact information, log in to APHA LEAD using your member credentials.