Early registration is now open for APHA 2024! Join us in Minneapolis ×

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We are currently accepting proposals for APHS Workshop in our Breakfast Club to be held at the Annual Meeting in Boston on Sunday, November 7, 2022!

The Applied Statistics Workshop focuses on the introduction, application, and implementation of current statistical and biostatistical methodologies. Requirements for the application are below.

The applied statistics workshop is sponsored by APHS, and the purpose is to help young researchers, graduate students and any other person who wants to broaden their statistical expertise. To apply to present this workshop, please email the following information to Dr. Jeffrey Wright by Friday, July 1, 2022. The selected instructor(s) will be announced by August 8, 2022.

Instructor's name and phone We encourage teaming up with another senior researcher
Instructor's email address
Instructor's website If you give permission, a link to your website will be used in advertising and promotion of this workshop
Instructor's bio Keep your bio brief and to the point, no more than 30-40 words. Your bio will be used in the advertising and promotion
Title of workshop Please give this 3-hour workshop a title
Description of workshop You will have 3 hours to present this workshop. Session 1 8:45-10:15 with a 15-minute break, followed by Session 2 from around 10:30-noon. Please outline your course and learning objectives. Be sure to include prerequisites
Workshop Materials/Textbook  List of materials/recommended reading provided by the instructor
Estimated Materials/Textbook Fee ($$/Student) If you are suggesting any materials that will cost, please state here
Special Facility Needs Outline your needs for presentation
Compensation At this time, we are soliciting funds for the speaker. We hope to offer some form of honorarium, but this is not yet certain. Please state if your presentation is contingent on an honorarium

Short on time? You can still be more involved in our Section:

  • Respond to an advocacy alert.
  • Post field-related information or opportunities on your online community/listserv.
  • Write an article for our Section's News & Events page.
  • Encourage a colleague to join APHA.
  • Review abstracts.
  • Join a committee (advocacy, communication, membership, etc.)

Contact Dr. Haresh Rochani to learn more.