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APHA Applauds EPA Proposal to Reduce Carbon Emissions from the Power Sector

Date: May 11 2023

Contact: Media Relations

Statement from APHA Executive Director Georges C. Benjamin, MD

“These new rules would drastically reduce carbon pollution from the nation’s second largest contributor of carbon emissions, coal and gas power plants, as well as cut other dangerous air pollution such as particulate matter, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide

Coal and gas power plants greatly contribute to climate change, which is already negatively impacting the health of our communities. From increased air pollution to the spread of vector-borne disease to extreme weather, climate change is a major public health threat. The EPA estimates that these rules would reduce carbon pollution from the power sector by 600 million metric tons through 2042, playing a critical role in the nation’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address climate change.

Cutting these dangerous air pollutants is vital for public health. The EPA estimates these new rules will prevent 1,300 premature deaths, 300,000 asthma attacks and 38,000 missed school days by 2030 and would achieve $85 billion in health and climate benefits by 2042.

We look forward to working with EPA and our public health partners to achieve the strongest possible rules for reducing carbon pollution from these power plants and to ensure our most vulnerable communities are protected from climate change and dangerous air pollution.”



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