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infection Prevention and Control in Schools

Webinar //


May 21 2021, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST


Keeping Our Schools Safe for In-Person Learning

Effective infection prevention and control measures in schools can keep transmission of COVID-19 near zero, even with community spread. As schools across the country work to re-open for in-person instruction, this webinar will provide support and recommendations in integrating infection prevention and control measures into how schools operate.

This webinar will share insights and inspiration from the Infection Prevention and Control and Schools task force convened by COVID Collaborative, Harvard's Safra Center, Brown School of Public Health, and New America. The task force brought together representatives from across health and education, from associations representing teachers, principals and superintendents, to public health institutions and professional associations, and produced a set of resources to support schools as they reopen in-person learning.


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