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Executive Decisionmaking and Liability for Public Health Officials

Webinar //


Jan 25 2018, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM EST


Public health officials have great discretion in carrying out their responsibilities to protect health. Yet this discretion can be legally challenged by individuals, organizations and government. In this webinar, co-sponsored by the Network for Public Health Law and the Partnership for Public Health Law, panelists will discuss the discretionary authority public health officials have in carrying out their duties, situations where use of discretion may be legally challenged, and factors the law requires to show proof of an abuse of discretion. Panelists will also share a tool to assist public health decisionmaking. The recent prosecutions of health officials for the Legionella outbreak in Flint, Michigan, will serve as an example.

Jason Coates, Public Health Policy Analyst, American Public Health Association

Denise Chrysler, Director, Network for Public Health Law — Mid-States Region Office
Matthew Penn, Director, Public Health Law Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Lance Gable, Associate Professor of Law, Wayne State University Law School

Questions? Contact Jason Coates.

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