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Health Communication Working Group

The Health Communication Working Group is part of the Public Health Education and Health Promotion Section of APHA.

Our mission is to create a forum for interaction and information exchange to encourage innovative theory and research-based, consumer-oriented health communication programs and processes that are fully integrated into public health practice and health communication research. We accomplish this by building a network of health communication and public health professionals, researchers, students and medical practitioners.

Current Chair: Emily Lilo

Treasurer: Marla Clayman

Secretary: Jude McDivitt

Program Planning: Jenny Jiun-Yi Tsai

Communications: Sonia Gonzales
Feature Film EPC: Kerstin Kalke

Health Communication Matters: Tammy Pilisuk
Awards Committee: Judith McDivitt
Fundraising: Marian Huhman
Nominating Committee: Fawad Shah

For leadership contact information, log in to APHA LEAD using your member credentials.

Follow us on Facebook @APHAhealthcomm & on Twitter @APHA_healthcomm

Check out the Health Communication Working Group website to join our Listserv & to get involved!