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Executive Committee

Chair: Ketki Patel

Chair-Elect: Kerri Wizner

Immediate Past Chair: Angela Laramie 

Secretary: Eric Persaud

Secretary-Elect: Allison Weingarten

Treasurer: Ingrid Denis

Program Planning Co-Chairs: Katherine Goscilo

Section Councilors:

Marissa Baker, 2021-2024

Grace An, 2021-2024

Katherine Goscilo, 2022-2025

Kathy Kirkland, 2023-2025

Sheryl Bedno, 2023-2026

Grace Aruoriwo Agah, 2023-2026

Governing Councilors: Devan Hawkins, Trevor Peckham

Student Liaison: Rachael Carmon

If you are interested in becoming an OHS Leader, please let any of us know.

For leadership contact information, log in to APHA LEAD using your member credentials.