Early registration is now open for APHA 2024! Join us in Minneapolis ×


Membership in the Occupational Health and Safety Section allows your voice to be heard in the fight to protect the health and safety of workers around the world. With your membership, you’ll stand alongside some of the nation’s most knowledgeable occupational and worker health and safety advocates, champions, and legends. Other benefits include:

  • opportunities for mentorship and networking with other occupational/worker health and safety professionals;
  • collaborations with fellow APHA Sections;
  • collaborations with partners outside of APHA;
  • opportunities to engage in Section and APHA governance;
  • opportunities to influence APHA policies and priorities;
  • staying up to date with the latest Section news and events;
  • educational offerings, such as webinars and podcasts;
  • Section award recognition; and
  • friendship and community.

Learn more about the benefits of joining APHA.