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Membership CommitteeMara Nery-Hurwit
The Membership Committee seeks to increase and retain membership.

Policy CommitteeBarbara KornblauTony Cahill, Vijay Vasudevan, Barbara Kornblau, Randall Owen, Robyn Powell, Meg Traci, Willi Horner-Johnson, Karl Cooper
The Policy Committee follows policy matters nationally that affect the health of the population of people with disabilities. Topics of particular interest include disability health disparities, and policies that affect disability research, disability health equity, community living, disability cultural competency and participation. Please follow us on Twitter or Facebook for policy updates.

Accessibility Liaison to APHA Accessibility TeamKarl Cooper, Mackenzie Jones (student co-chair) and Winston Kennedy (student co-chair)
We work with APHA to improve the accessibility and inclusiveness of the Annual Meeting and assuring that presentations are accessible to everyone regardless of disability.

Awards Committee – Linda Long-Bellil
We work with APHA to recognize leaders in the field of disability and public health annually.

For leadership contact information, log into APHA Connect using your member credentials.