Early registration is now open for APHA 2024! Join us in Minneapolis ×


The APHA CHW Section offers several awards each year to individual CHWs. These awards:

  • Recognize CHWs' dedication to their work and their efforts to benefit their community and clients;
  • Raise awareness of the profile of CHWs in the U.S. and other countries;
  • Promote group work by acknowledging collectively undertaken initiatives and encouraging groups to improve their overall programming;
  • Provide cross-country recognition for innovative and high quality programs;
  • Provide an opportunity for the APHA CHW Section to be more known, leading to increased Section membership and giving us a stronger voice within APHA.

For more information on deadlines and materials for this award, contact the current section chair for details. 



With funding from the Harold and Grace Sewell Trust Fund, the CHW Section offers scholarships for community health workers to attend the APHA Annual Meeting. These scholarships honor the important work of grassroots advocates who promote health in their communities. We want to bring your knowledge, experience, and commitment to APHA. One important goal of the CHW Section scholarship subsidies is to help CHW leaders learn about the mission and vision of APHA and the CHW Section, and to learn about opportunities for engagement and leadership within the CHW Section. These funds must first be dedicated to support the recipient’s APHA annual membership and/or to support registration and attendance at the APHA Annual Meeting. Applications typically open up in late spring and close in early fall. Reach out to the current section chair for details.