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You searched for:"sustainable food systems"

Policy Statement

A Call to Improve Patient and Public Health Outcomes of Diabetes through an Enhanced Integrated Care Approach
  • Date:OCT 26 2021
  • Policy Statement Number:20215

Keywords: Diabetes, Prevention, Vision Care, Dental Health

Policy Statement

A Comprehensive Approach to Suicide Prevention within a Public Health Framework
  • Date:OCT 26 2021
  • Policy Statement Number:20213

Keywords: Mental Health, Violence, Injury Prevention Control

Policy Statement

Health Inequities in the U.S. Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic and Response
  • Date:OCT 24 2020
  • Policy Statement Number:LB20-02

Keywords: Health Disparities, Health Equity, Racism, Infectious Diseases

Latebreaker policy statement

Policy Statement

A Call to End the Bombing of Yemen and the Blockade on Its Ports
  • Date:OCT 24 2020
  • Policy Statement Number:20208

Keywords: Conflict, Violence, War, Warfare, Workplace Safety

Policy Statement

Dietary Guidelines for Americans: Broadening the Evidence Base, Applicability, and Implementation to Advance Public Health
  • Date:NOV 05 2019
  • Policy Statement Number:201911

Keywords: Nutrition, Food and Nutrition, Chronic Disease, Obesity

Policy Statement

Public Health Support for Long-Term Responses in High-Impact, Postdisaster Settings
  • Date:NOV 05 2019
  • Policy Statement Number:20198

Keywords: Disasters

Policy Statement

Addressing the Impacts of Climate Change on Mental Health and Well-Being
  • Date:NOV 05 2019
  • Policy Statement Number:20196

Keywords: Climate Change, Mental Health

Policy Statement

Drinking Water and Public Health in the United States
  • Date:NOV 05 2019
  • Policy Statement Number:20195

Keywords: Water, Environmental Health

Policy Statement

Precautionary Moratorium on New and Expanding Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations
  • Date:NOV 05 2019
  • Policy Statement Number:20194

Keywords: Environment, Environmental Health, Agriculture


Climate Changes Health: Water Quality and Accessibility


DEC 17 2020

Addressing the health impacts of climate change is an APHA priority


Climate Changes Health: Food and Agriculture


DEC 17 2020

Addressing the health impacts of climate change is an APHA priority

Policy Statement

International Food Security and Public Health: Supporting Initiatives and Actions
  • Date:NOV 13 2018
  • Policy Statement Number:201810

Keywords: Food, Food Access, Food Security, Global Health

Policy Statement

Achieving Health Equity in the United States
  • Date:NOV 13 2018
  • Policy Statement Number:20189

Keywords: Health Equity, Health Disparities, Social Determinants of Health

Policy Statement

Advancing the Health of Refugees and Displaced Persons
  • Date:NOV 13 2018
  • Policy Statement Number:20188

Keywords: Immigrants, Immigration, Refugees

Policy Statement

Promoting Leadership to Scale Up of Oral Rehydration Salts with Zinc Uptake and Reduce Diarrhea Mortality Globally in Children Under 5 Years
  • Date:NOV 13 2018
  • Policy Statement Number:20181

Keywords: Child Survival, Childrens Health, Global Health, Prevention

Policy Statement

Protecting Children's Environmental Health: A Comprehensive Framework
  • Date:NOV 07 2017
  • Policy Statement Number:201710

Keywords: Childrens Health, Child Health And Development, Environmental Health

Policy Statement

Advancing a 'One Health' Approach to Promote Health at the Human-Animal-Environment Interface
  • Date:NOV 07 2017
  • Policy Statement Number:201712

Keywords: Environmental Health, Environment, Veterinary Public Health, Infectious Diseases

Policy Statement

Opportunities for Health Collaboration: Leveraging Community Development Investments to Improve Health in Low-Income Neighborhoods
  • Date:NOV 01 2016
  • Policy Statement Number:20166

Keywords: Access To Health Care, Health Disparities, Poverty, Health Services

Policy Statement

Opportunities for Health Collaboration: Leveraging Community Development Investments to Improve Health in Low-Income Neighborhoods
  • Date:NOV 03 2015
  • Policy Statement Number:LB-15-01

Keywords: Access To Health Care, Health Disparities, Health Services, Poverty

archived APHA policy statement

Policy Statement

Addressing Human Relevance in Research Related to Alcohol Use Disorders
  • Date:NOV 03 2015
  • Policy Statement Number:201510

Keywords: Alcohol, Research

Focusing on human biology and behavior will more effectively address alcohol use disorders

Policy Statement

Ensuring That Trade Agreements Promote Public Health
  • Date:NOV 03 2015
  • Policy Statement Number:201512

Keywords: Global Health, International Health, Health Services, Public Health Law

APHA policy statement on trade agreements

Policy Statement

Public Health Opportunities to Address the Health Effects of Climate Change
  • Date:NOV 03 2015
  • Policy Statement Number:20157

Keywords: Climate Change

APHA policy statement on addressing climate change

Policy Statement

Support for Paid Sick Leave and Family Leave Policies
  • Date:NOV 05 2013
  • Policy Statement Number:20136

Keywords: Employment

Policy Statement

Improving Health and Wellness through Access to Nature
  • Date:NOV 05 2013
  • Policy Statement Number:20137

Keywords: Environmental Health