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What is the Positive Culture Framework for improving health and safety?

Webinar //


Jun 10 2019, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MST


This free webinar hosted by the Center for Health and Safety Culture at Montana State University will provide an overview of the Center’s Positive Culture Framework, a way of organizing efforts to improve health and safety in communities and organizations.

Katie Dively, MS, CHES, and Jay Otto, MS, will begin by discussing how aspects of culture impact behaviors and how working across the social ecology can transform the way in which we address and sustain health and safety. The speakers will introduce how the Positive Culture Framework takes an appreciative approach and seeks to grow the positive aspects of our culture in an effort to improve health and safety and reduce risky behaviors. The Framework provides a 7-step process (the what) for engaging in this work, key skills to increase effectiveness (the how), and the context (the where) we will do the work. Join the webinar to learn more about this effective approach to transforming the communities and organizations you serve.


  • Culture and its Impact on Behavior
  • Working Across the Social Ecology to Transform our Approach
  • The Positive Culture Framework 7-Step Process
  • Key Skills to Increase Effectiveness

Learn more and register at https://chsculture.org/outreach-events/webinars/.

Questions? Contact Kelley Hildebrand-Hall.

Registration Information