
Frequently Asked Questions

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Where will the Annual Meeting and Expo be held?

Annual Meeting activities will be held at the Minneapolis Convention Center (1301 2nd Ave. S.) and the Hilton Minneapolis (1001 S. Marquette Ave.).

What is the expected meeting attendance?

Approximately 13,000 people attended the Annual Meeting in 2023.

What is the format of the Annual Meeting and Expo?

The Annual Meeting will be held in person. We are planning a format that will deliver four days of onsite experiences designed for attendees to engage, collaborate and grow. Presenters are required to be onsite in Minneapolis.

If you can’t physically join us in Minneapolis, we hope you participate in our Digital Meeting, with live access to 14 key sessions and on-demand recordings of all scientific sessions.

What is APHA’s health and safety policy?

APHA is not requiring vaccination verification or masking to attend the 2024 Annual Meeting. However, we ask participants to take the necessary precautions for attending an event, including staying up to date with recommended adult vaccinations, wearing a mask, minimizing face touching and frequently washing hands.

How can I get a certificate of attendance?

You can print your own certificate of attendance after the meeting, from a link on the annual meeting web page.

You will need to enter your registration ID number from your confirmation letter and your last name in order to generate the certificate.

Does APHA offer volunteer opportunities at the Annual Meeting?

We offer limited opportunities to volunteer at the Annual Meeting. For more information, contact annualmeeting@apha.org.

Are CE credits available for attending the Annual Meeting?

Yes, you can register for and earn up to 20.5 credit hours for attending sessions at the Annual Meeting. Your first discipline is included with your in-person meeting registration and additional disciplines are $10 each. Credits can be earned in the following CE types: Certified in Public Health, Health Education CHES, Nursing, Veterinary, CME (for DO or MD); OP for other health professionals. Visit Continuing Education at the Annual Meeting for more information.

Will sessions be recorded?

APHA is hosting a digital version of APHA 2024 that includes recordings of the oral scientific sessions. Learn more about the Digital Meeting.


Who should I contact if I have questions?

APHA Staff are here to help. See a list of contacts.

For registration changes, cancellations or updates, contact apharegistration@spargoinc.com.



When will registration open?

Registration opens on June 4, 2024. See more details at the links below:

Registration Information

Housing Information

How do I register for APHA's Annual Meeting?

Registration will open on June 4. You can register online and pay by credit card and check. 

(Yes, you can register online even if you are paying by check. Your registration will be considered complete once the check is received.)

Are meals included in the cost of registration?

No meals are included in the Annual Meeting registration. You may purchase tickets for several ticketed lunch events at an additional cost.

Does APHA have scholarships or financial support for attendees?

APHA member groups have a limited number of scholarships available. Learn more.

Can I participate in the business meetings even if I’m not in Minneapolis?

No, you must be registered for the Annual Meeting to attend any in-person events.

Can my family attend the Annual Meeting and Expo?

Supervised children 16 and younger can attend for free and are welcome in all areas of the Annual Meeting during open times. However, if children begin to make noise during scientific sessions, it’s critical that parents remove them from the room immediately so as not to disturb the session. Children are not permitted in the Expo Hall during set-up and tear-down. Children must follow the health and safety policies to remain at the meeting.

Presenters are allowed to have one spouse or parent attend their session for $30. This can be added during the registration process. If you would like your spouse to accompany you to multiple sessions and events they must be registered for the Annual Meeting.

Can I register for the Public Health Expo only?

No, Annual Meeting registration includes access to the Expo, but you cannot purchase Expo-only registration.

If I attend the Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, do I need a separate registration to watch the digital version of the meeting?

No, registration for APHA 2024 includes the in-person meeting in Minneapolis and access to everything happening during the digital version of the meeting.


Housing and Travel:

How do I make hotel reservations?

Attendees must make their reservation through Spargo, APHA’s official housing services partner. Your support helps APHA avoid financial penalties and keeps registration fees in line for future meetings.

Can I pay for my entire hotel stay upfront? I have funds that I need to use before July 1.

Yes, contact APHA Housing Services directly at 866-871-5085. If you are paying by check, you will need to make the check payable to the hotel where your reservation is held.

I am a government employee. Which hotels offer the government rate?

Unfortunately, government rates are not available at any of the APHA hotels. However, there are usually a few hotels in the block with rates at or near the government rate. Be aware that the lower cost hotels are always the first to be filled up. For assistance, contact APHA Housing Services directly at 866-871-5085.

Will there be shuttle service to the convention center?

APHA provides complimentary shuttle service between meeting hotels and the convention center, only for hotels that are more than one mile from the center.The schedule will be available in July.

How do I request a letter of invitation for visa?

For international attendees who require a visa to attend, a letter of invitation is often required.

Once you register, you can automatically generate an official letter of invitation.



When will I learn if my abstract has been accepted to be presented?

Submitters will be notified by June 4, 2024 if their abstract has been accepted. For late breaking session submissions, please allow up to four weeks after the call has ended.

If I’m presenting at a session, do I need to be in Minneapolis? Will presenters be required to register for the APHA 2024?

Yes, all Annual Meeting sessions are being held live in Minneapolis at the Convention Center and Headquarters Hotel.

All presenters have two requirements:

  1. You must be a member of APHA
  2. You must register for the meeting.

You can join and register at the same time in the online registration form. You can register for the full meeting or for the day of your presentation.